
a new paper about Wetland Forests and Scrub in the Western Balkans

A paper just published in Diversity dedicated to the Classification of Wetland Forests and Scrub in the Western Balkans see here

Next challenges for riparian vegetation science and management

The synthesis paper “Bringing the margin to the focus: 10 challenges for riparian vegetation science and management” published in WIREs Water is now available online ; see here

Threats, biodiversity and restoration in floodplain forests

A review just published in STOTEN by Havrdová et al provides existing ecological understanding of the mechanisms underlying the high heterogeneity and diversity of temperate floodplain forests and of the pressures threatening their high biological value due to habitat homogenisation. Details here

Last newsletter online

The last newsletter of the COST Action CONVERGES (December 2021 ; # 12) is online here

What is riparian vegetation ? Why is it important ?

What is riparian vegetation ? Why is it important ? A video to increase awareness of the need for riparian forest conservation and restoration see on vimeo or youtube



The COST CONVERGES Action aims to establish a baseline in the state of knowledge regarding riparian vegetation and ecosystems. It is a network created to coordinate research efforts, to contribute to knowledge conversion between countries and actors (scientists, managers, policy makers, etc.) and to promote practitioners research interests in the scientific community.